Preach It, Chuck!

While I have had my differences with him in the past, Chuck Baldwin never ceases to be spot on when it comes to exposing the blasphemy of American Evangelical Christianity’s worship of the state of Israel. This act of blasphemy is, in my opinion, one of three that has brought God’s wrath down upon theContinue reading “Preach It, Chuck!”

Now They Are Reaching The Era Of The Comeuppance

MBoI cites a quote by his wife, “Spacebunny,” in his latest post that makes the self-evident observation that women and “gamma” males are the ultimate denialists and rationalizers. Maybe he’s married to a unicorn (I’m sure MBoI believes so), but the quote seems far too self-aware to have originated from a woman. In any caseContinue reading “Now They Are Reaching The Era Of The Comeuppance”

Both Obvious And Long Overdue

This. I can’t recall ever seeing the truth stated this plainly before, even in the alternative press, but it’s well past time someone said it. I sincerely hope and pray that these events in Sri Lanka contribute yet another useful template to the growing number of uprisings around the globe against the oppressive GloboHomoPedoVultureCapitalist classContinue reading “Both Obvious And Long Overdue”

Zelenskyy: A Dead Man Walking

Gonzalo Lira’s latest video (H/T Lew Rockwell, Vicki Marzullo). Nothing farfetched at all about Gonzalo’s theory. It’s the perfect combination of stupidity and cynical perfidity that the U.S. government, particularly the usurper Brandon Administration, is most notorious for. Almost equally certain is that Zelenskyy himself is too corrupt, too megalomaniacal, too controlled, and too stupidContinue reading “Zelenskyy: A Dead Man Walking”

Well, DUH (Example No. 765)

Does this really need to be explained to anyone over the age of 10, with an IQ over 10, or who has been paying attention to events over the last ten years? That anyone STILL thinks that the midterm elections this year will be anything other than a redux of November 2020 – January 2021Continue reading “Well, DUH (Example No. 765)”

Inheritance Sucks

Counter-intuitive as the title statement is, it becomes nightmarishly true when you’re trying to settle a loved one’s estate. This isn’t news to anyone who has been there, but if it is the first time (for me and my brother it is), the process is both daunting and infuriating. I’m thoroughy convinced that the State,Continue reading “Inheritance Sucks”

A Random Event? Methinks Not

Not content with going after our food sources, the Cabal that is determined to kill all of us is going after our energy sources as well. I am simply left to wonder when Norman and Norma Normie are going to wake up and realize that they’re being targeted for elimination and are going to startContinue reading “A Random Event? Methinks Not”

Boycott Them (If You Can)

The following 65 major corporations have announced that they will pay for either the entire abortion procedure and all attendant expenses for their employees, or fund partial expenses. Most of these businesses are well-known for their wokeness, so there shouldn’t be any surprises in the list. I’ve tried to avoid doing business with any ofContinue reading “Boycott Them (If You Can)”

Arrest The Piece of Shit

California’s Marxist Attorney General throws a hissy fit in the wake of the recent SCOTUS decision overturning New York’s restrictive gun ownership laws, a decision that will force California to abolish its own restrictive gun laws by this year’s end, and “leaks” the names and personal data of California’s legal gun owners. Surely there areContinue reading “Arrest The Piece of Shit”

Patriotic Americans Should No Longer Celebrate The Fourth Of July

I stopped celebrating America’s Independence Day nearly two decades ago, as the realization of just how far from its foundational roots what passes for the United States of America has strayed hit me hard enough to be rob me of any residual patriotic sentiment. For all the good intentions of the Founders (and the moreContinue reading “Patriotic Americans Should No Longer Celebrate The Fourth Of July”

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